Author: admin

Sotomayor faces backlash for gun rights views after bodyguards shoot would-be carjacker: ‘Incredibly ironic’

Two armed U.S. Marshals on the protection detail for Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor shot a would-be carjacker in self-defense last week, casting scrutiny on her co-signing a 2010 Supreme Court opinion that decried such firearm protection as a Second Amendment right.  Kentrell Flowers, 18, was shot Friday after he approached an unmarked Marshals vehicle […]

Tanning pills can pose serious dangers, dermatologists warn: ‘Consumers should be aware’

Some people are trading UV rays for tanning pills, as numerous social media influencers have raved about how these supplements have given their skin a tan glow. But are they safe? These pills contain a variety of ingredients – including L-tyrosine, beta-carotene and astaxanthin – that could potentially have a color-changing effect on the skin. […]

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