Author: admin

Bishop goes viral for reaction to Olympics’ ‘clear mockery’ of Last Supper: ‘Open season on Christianity’

One bishop who went viral over his scrutiny of the Paris Olympics opening ceremony mocking the Last Supper warned it’s “open season on Christianity” after the controversial event drew backlash worldwide.  Bishop Robert Barron, the head of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester in Minnesota and viral Catholic influencer, joined “Fox News Live” to discuss his initial […]

How Biden’s radical proposed changes to the Supreme Court could backfire and more top headlines

‘BANANA REPUBLIC’ – Leonard Leo of Federalist Society on Biden’s proposed radical Supreme Court changes — and how they could backfire. Continue reading …  SWIFT ACTION – Weeks after Trump’s attempted assassination, Secret Service was forced to intervene at his Nashville event. Continue reading … HOLDING ACCOUNTABLE? – Experts weigh in on fate of Trump […]

Black male voters have surprising reaction during MSNBC roundtable when asked about community Trump support

A group of Black voters told MSNBC that they each personally know of at least one Black man that is committed to voting for former President Trump over Kamala Harris in November. MSNBC legal analyst Charles Coleman conducted a roundtable discussion with four Black male voters ranging in age about the upcoming presidential election and […]

Female athletes just scored fifth ‘W’ against Biden-Harris attempt to rewrite Title IX

Female athletes just scored a big legal “W.” A federal district court in Missouri ruled to immediately halt the Biden-Harris administration’s illegal attempt to rewrite Title IX, a federal law designed to create equal opportunities for students in education and athletics, while a lawsuit I’m a part of proceeds.  This is the fifth such injunction issued across […]

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