Here we will explain the basics of SEO and what you can expect from our services. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a valuable asset to your web presence. One misunderstanding that many people fon’t understand is the difference between “URL” and “Search Engines” is your website URL is [www.yoursite.vom]. If your website is publicly present, anyone can access your website from any browser provided they enter your correct website in the URL window. On most default start pages there is a large “SEARCH” button and window which only searches pages from their search engine ie. Microsoft explorer uses Bing search engine. Keeping in mind new websites may or may not appear. leaving many people thinking that their site is down.
Why should I boost my website?
If your goal is to reach as many people as possible or to make greater sales, SEO is necessary to get your site listed as close to the top as fast as possible///
How much will it cost?
Fortunately for you. You have reached GoldCreek where wi ...
How long does it take
As long as it takes. We here at Gold Creek have the necessary tools to move you along swiftly. Most of our satisfied clients notice change within 30 to 60 days however there are many variables such as competition, Relevance of your content.